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Winson Yang
Jun 10, 20184 min read
What it means to me to practice Mahayana Buddhism?
This post is a more personal post which I would like to make. Having been a Buddhist and vegetarian for over 20 years, I would like to...
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Winson Yang
May 20, 20183 min read
As you read this, you are upholding the five precepts
Receiving and upholding precepts is a major practice in Buddhism. In the three learnings, the first learning is Precepts. Before the...
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Winson Yang
May 13, 20184 min read
If you want to practice hardship, be BFFs with someone you dislike.
In ancient India, many left-home people, or sramanas practice ascetic practices, such as body mortification, starvation, or other forms...
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Winson Yang
May 10, 20183 min read
Don't wander off the road to see the side attractions.
If you often drive, you would often notice that when you are driving, you would often look around your surroundings. Maybe during a road...
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Selene Chew
Apr 30, 20183 min read
Never forget why you started
Venerable Master Hsing Yun said "Never forget why you started." When life gets tough and we struggle, the will to continue may fad
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Winson Yang
Apr 23, 20183 min read
We should not forget our compassion!
We are all born with innate compassion, whether we believe it or not. From a young age, we know what is right, and what is wrong. Not...
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Winson Yang
Apr 5, 20183 min read
To honor our ancestors, we should strive for unsurpassed bodhi.
Ancestors' Day, or 清明節 (Qing ming jie), is commemorated by Chinese all over the world. Once a year, Chinese will go to their ancestors'...
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Winson Yang
Mar 27, 20183 min read
The thinking mind is just a shadow
"Cogito ergo sum", or "I think, therefore I am". Descartes wrote this famous line. This is the start of philosophy -- being able to...
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Winson Yang
Mar 4, 20183 min read
Watch out for meditation sickness!! Do not mistake indifference for equanimity
The beauty of meditation can only be understood by meditation. Without the experience itself, it is all empty talk. Meditation, after an...
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Winson Yang
Feb 19, 20183 min read
Buddhism is not an insurance policy; the Triple Gem are not your insurance agents!
Nowadays, we often see that people often go to temples and monasteries to seek blessings from the gods, devas, dragons, Bodhisattvas, and...
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Winson Yang
Feb 13, 20184 min read
The Curse of Compassion? Yes, metta! You heard me right
Compassion. It is the heart of Bodhisattva Path. Great compassion also gives rise to the Bodhi Mind, the mind that vows to achieve the...
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Winson Yang
Jan 28, 20182 min read
Marriage is more than love
What is marriage? Some people say it is a union between a man and a woman. Some say that it is building on the love you have for your...
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Winson Yang
Jan 22, 20183 min read
Arrogance destroys a society
We have been brought up in a society where individual is encouraged. It is good because it helps to build confidence in ourselves. We...
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Winson Yang
Jan 14, 20183 min read
Sleep habits
Two weeks has past since the New Year. What have we accomplished in those two weeks? Have we stick closely to our resolutions? Have we...
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Selene Chew
Jan 7, 20185 min read
Lessons learned from a car break in
It was a typical night out for dinner with friends when it happened. After finishing our dinner, my boyfriend and I slowly strolled back...
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Winson Yang
Jan 2, 20184 min read
Make vows and resolutions every day like it is the New Year!
Happy New Year! On every New Year, people make new resolutions. Some of us want to become fitter than last year. Some of us want to have...
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Dec 24, 20175 min read
When the mind is pure, the pure land appears!
Pure Land practitioners often argue that Chan practitioners only know about their koan (公案) of "Who is reciting the Buddha's name", while...
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Winson Yang
Dec 19, 20174 min read
Live honestly in the present #liveinthepresent #lifeisgood #life
We all talk about living in the present. Even our community also encourage living in the present. Such of these manifested ideas include...
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Winson Yang
Dec 13, 20173 min read
Weedpassana doesn't give you Nirvana, only Marijnirvana: Why we should not go after sensory expe
There have been a lot of usage of Buddhist terms in Western society. We have heard of Zen Spa, which lets you enjoy spa and calm your...
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Winson Yang
Dec 5, 20173 min read
Mindfulness is not about your little box!
Ever since Buddhism is brought to the West, the term "Mindfulness" has become a hype, or mania. We see "mindfulness" in many places, and...
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